أصدرت المكتبة الوطنية الجزائرية دليل الناشرين الجزائريين باللغة الإنجليزية والذي يعتبر الأول على المستوى الوطني
The Algerian Publishers Catalog 1995-2021
It has been assigned the task of running the international number system for books to Legal Deposit in the National Library of Algeria. So, it is up to the department to realize a catalog of all the publishers involved
This catalog contains a list of the publishers involved in the Algerian Agency for the International Numbering System for Books, from 1995 to 2021 structured by state from A to Z
This membership consists of different categories: universities, associations, publishers, laboratories, Museums…It contains more than 1400 members. The real number of participants exceeded 1700, but the membership was cancelled with an official letter from the owner. We focused on the rest and we will update the list each time